Thu. May 16th, 2024

September is back and for many it is synonymous with bad news: back to work, end of vacations, good weather… but in bad weather, a good face, and post-holiday depression, nothing better than a good dose of series-loving energy. To do this, this week we recommend the series that will make welcoming September more bearable.

Devil in Ohio – Netflix

the followers of bones I’m sure they’ve been missing you for a long time Dr. Temperance Brennanthe forensic anthropologist she brought to life emily deschanel. The actress returns after several years to the world of series, even if it is with a change of record and changing the forensic room for a psychiatric center. In the devil in ohiothe new Netflix horror series, the actress brings to life Suzanne, a mother who sees how she is and her entire town begins to be threatened by a threatening presence after taking in a mysterious fugitive who has escaped from a demonic cult. .

You’re Not Special – Netflix

Amaya (Dèlia Brufau) is a girl who has to say goodbye to her friends and her life in Barcelona to go live with his mother in the village, something that does not do him any good. However, there she discovers her family origins and that it is said that her grandmother was a witch who helped the townspeople, so the young woman will try to fill the void caused by the move and in the process make friends based on spells.

Life According to Her – Apple TV+

Life always gives you a second chance, and schools, although they may be full of people who make life impossible for you, too. That’s the attitude he adopts She (Lily Brooks O’Briant) when the cancer he suffers from goes away with chemotherapy and the whole process makes him see life with different eyes. She thinks she is ready to go back to school and face other kinds of problems, although her parents fear that her overconfidence will take its toll. However, as time goes on they will realize that her daughter really takes life more philosophically than ever, inspiring her classmates and themselves.

Rick and Morty (Season 6) – HBO Max

Many questions, few answers but extreme emotion. This is how the new season of rick and morty, perhaps the most popular current animation series and also the one that has given us the most headaches in recent years. In this we will also have to face a harsh reality, that of accepting that our Rick may not really be the smartest in the universe. In addition, we still do not know what is happening in the Citadel of the Ricks with the evil Morty (yes, the one with the patch) and if our dear friends will cross paths with that reality at some point or continue to party like in the past season.

Gun – Disney+

Musical biopics are a guaranteed success, and if not, ask Bohemian Rhapsody, Rocketman or the recent Elvis. It is because of that Danny Boyle has embarked on Gunthe series that narrates the adventures of the band Sex Pistols, known for being one of the first to popularize the punk genre. Director of Trainspotting Y The beach is the one chosen to tell the story of those boys with no future who ended up becoming one of the most powerful groups in history.Do you want to receive the best movie and series recommendations in your email every Friday? Sign up for our Newsletter.

By aliintizar71

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